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Free online tests offer quick, convenient way to check hearing

Dear Savvy Senior: Can you recommend any good online hearing tests? My husband has hearing loss, but I can’t get him to go in and get his hearing checked. — Loud Talking Linda

Dear Linda: There are several good online and app-based tests that will let your husband check his hearing on his own. These tests are a quick and convenient option for the millions of Americans who have mild to moderate hearing loss but often ignore it, or don’t want to go through the hassle or expense of visiting an audiologist.

Who should test?

Hearing loss usually develops gradually over many years of wear and tear, which is why many people don’t realize they have a hearing problem.

Anyone who has difficulty hearing or understanding what people say, especially in noisier environments or over the phone, should take a few minutes to test their hearing.

Self-hearing tests

Online and app-based hearing tests can serve as a great screening tool. They are not meant to be a diagnosis, but rather to give you an idea of how bad your hearing loss is and what can be done about it.

For most do-it-yourself hearing tests, you’ll be advised to wear ear headphones or earbuds and sit in a quiet spot.

Two types of tests are available. One is known as pure-tone testing, where tones are played in decreasing volumes to determine your level of hearing loss. The other type is known as speech-in-noise or digits-in-noise (DIN), where you’ll be asked to identify words, numbers or phrases amid background noise.

Where to test

Two of my favorite app-based hearing tests are the hearWHO app created by the World Health Organization and the Mimi Hearing Test app. Both are free to use and are available through the App Store and Google Play.

HearWHO allows users to check their hearing status and monitor it over time using a DIN test, while Mimi uses pure-tone and masked threshold tests to give you a detailed picture of your hearing abilities.

There are also a wide variety of online hearing tests your husband can take on a computer.

Some top online tests — all offered by hearing aid manufacturers — for speech-in-noise or DIN tests can be accessed at ReSound (resound.com/en-us/online-hearing-test) and Miracle Ear (miracle-ear.com/online-hearing-test).

Some good online hearing tests for pure-tone testing are available by Signia (signia.net/en/service/hearing-test); Eargo (eargo.com/hearing-health/hearing-check); and MD Hearing Aid (mdhearingaid.com/hearing-test).

What to do with results

If the tests indicate your husband has hearing loss, it’s best to think of that as a starting point. He should take results to his doctor or an audiologist for further evaluation.

Many insurance providers and Medicare Advantage plans cover routine hearing exams.

If his hearing loss is mild to moderate, he should look into over-the-counter hearing aids. OTC hearing aids don’t require a prescription or medical examination for purchase and they’re much more affordable than traditional hearing aids you buy through an audiologist.

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org.

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