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This lunge act will leave your legs strong, shapely

Most machines in the gym require the user to take a comfortable seated position and then push or pull something with a controlled movement. 

If we were to turn that approach upside down a bit, that means not sitting in a cozy machine under the air vent watching the cute guy or girl across the room. Lunges do just that. They get you standing instead of just moving from one padded seat to another. Remember, we're in the gym to work.

The first time I did lunges was at Eldorado High School as part of wrestling practice. I hated them, but our coach made us do them for conditioning, and they sure worked. They remain pretty low on my list of favorite exercises, but I know how effective they are and still do them. Depending on what exercise phase I'm training in, I'll do slow lunges or weighted lunges as well as lateral lunges. I keep them in my routine because all of them are effective.

Lunges are great for the leg muscles and glutes. They are a movement that uses the body's own weight against itself.

Most women have a goal of toning their legs. To meet this goal, women should do lunges with a slow tempo to develop tendon strength and definition. 

Most men have a goal to add muscle and strength. Modifying a basic lunge by holding dumbbells during the exercise will strengthen and build their leg muscles. Lateral (side-to-side) lunges are used to target the adductors (inner thigh) as well. 

Lunges are a good way to burn handfuls of calories because they work many of the body's largest muscles in the hips and legs. Doing lunges also will help your balance. 

Lunges are a versatile exercise. Variations can be used to train for almost any sport. Both the lunge and the lateral lunge will develop lower body strength and knee stability in players of such field sports as soccer, football, baseball and softball. Runners can use walking lunges as a warm up or cool down exercise in conjunction with their training. Split jacks can help condition martial artists to outlast their opponents. For those who just prefer to frequent the gym, try multiple variations of the lunge to keep your training well rounded. Add different types and variations of lunges to your leg day or to your favorite exercise circuit.

Chris Huth is a Las Vegas trainer. You can contact him at 702trainer@gmail.com. Before beginning any exercise program, consult your physician.

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