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It's January and the start of another new year. There's no better time to wipe the slate clean and begin getting some control over your life.

One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to become organized. Fortunately for Las Vegas Valley residents, January is national Get Organized Month and there are a number of professional organizers who are willing to help people put some order in their lives.

"Getting organized is one of the top New Year's resolutions people make, and with 4,300 NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) members ready and available to assist, it is easier than most people think," said Laura Leist, NAPO president.

With the proper systems in place and a little advice from a professional, being organized can become a habit no different than having a cup of coffee or reading the newspaper each morning, said Tricia Perna of Perfect Harmony Organizing in the Las Vegas Valley.

"What it comes down to is self-discipline," she said.

According to Brenda Prinzavalli of Balanced Organizing Solutions being organized leads to having a more pleasing space, less stress and more time.

Simply put, organizers are consultants who will come into your life and provide assistance for creating a sense of order through personalized systems, efficiency, simplification and decluttering, Prinzavalli said.

"When you're organized and everything has a home, you don't waste time looking for it," Perna added. "And you don't waste money going to buy a new one because you can't find the one you already own."

Additionally, being organized gives you a sense of control over your physical, virtual and emotional world, Prinzavalli said.

A recent survey conducted on behalf of NAPO revealed that 71 percent of those polled said their quality of life would improve if they were better organized. Additionally, 65 percent described their homes as at least moderately disorganized and 27 percent said disorder keeps them from being effective at work.

One of the most common hurdles to becoming organized is an overwhelming feeling of not knowing where and how to start, said Christine Ruggiero of The Lakes Professional Organizers. Of course, that's where the services of a professional organizer come in. They teach you the necessary skills, she said.

To start with, she recommends, "Just chunk it. For example, just do a drawer before taking on the whole kitchen. It makes it more manageable."

Ruggiero also suggests visualizing what you want to accomplish. For large spaces such as a garage, she said it's best to create zones and then put sticky notes in each area designating what it will be used for.

And if something isn't useful or doesn't add beauty to your life, the best solution is to get rid of it. Ruggiero said there are a number of organizations in the Las Vegas Valley that accept donations.

"If it will be useful or bring joy to someone other than me, donate it," she said of her rule for determining what to give away.

One of her favorite tips is to have a donation box near the front door where she places items she no longer needs or uses. Ruggiero said it's also helpful to keep a similar box in the closet to get rid of clothing you no longer wear.

However, sometimes there are underlying issues that prevent a person from becoming more organized or getting rid of clutter, Perna said.

"They can have psychological issues -- something from their past or a crisis they are going through right now such as divorce or a death in the family."

If that is the case, Perna said the root of the problem must be dealt with before an organizing system can be put into place.

"Those kind of people who find that they cannot let go of anything they bring into the house, who have severe separation anxiety and define themselves through the items they are collecting, that's the kind of situations where they need a professional therapist or psychologist."

Locally, professional organizers gather informally once a month to share ideas, learn more about each other's specialties and help promote their services.

Among the members is Dawn Reitz of A More Organized Residence in Las Vegas. In recognition of the national observance, Reitz is offering January teleclasses to help you get more organized.

Her Getting Started 90-minute class will be offered at 9 a.m. each Sunday and at 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. on Tuesdays. The cost is $30. Managing Your Daily Paperwork, a 60-minute course, will be offered at 11 a.m. each Sunday and at 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. on Mondays. The cost is $20. Visit www.dawnreitz.com/teleclasses for more information.

Additional information about organizing and the local group is available at www.vegasorganizers.com.

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