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Dinosaur dirt proven to boost performance in garden

Believe it or not, you may be able to forget about all those half-full containers of last year's chemical fertilizers sitting in your garage. A new natural product called Rich Earth composed of ancient composted material (dinosaur droppings perhaps?) and prehistoric plant matter that's thousands of years old has arrived on the gardening scene.

Rich Earth is mined in an earth-friendly way just below the surface in a desert near a famous dinosaur park where the remains of dinosaurs have been found.

"Rich Earth is the best mineral soil conditioner we've ever seen," said a spokesman for the national distributor, St. Gabriel Laboratories of Orange, Va. "It produces huge, healthy vegetables, fruits and flowers."

Officially called 100-percent Natural Prehistoric Humate, Rich Earth is all organic and meets Oregon's Organic Material Review Institute's standards for pure ingredients untainted by chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Mark Weatherington, director of horticulture at Virginia's Norfolk Botanical Garden, which tested the product, said, "It is a product we can no longer do without." Appalachian Tree Care company reports Rich Earth helped it save more than 5,000 hemlock trees in the last three years. Whitner Farms in Suffolk, Va., attests that it grows larger, sweeter tomatoes than ever before with a small amount of Rich Earth. And, vineyards in California hail Rich Earth as a miracle find against Pierce's disease.

Dr. J. Senn, retired from the department of horticulture at Clemson University says the ancient ingredients in Rich Earth improve cellular stamina by adding beneficial microorganisms. It also increases the ability of plant membranes to take in water and nutrients. Rich Earth improves germination and absorption, and provides produce with longer shelf life and storage time. Senn calls it "an organic catalyst that boosts plant-growing activities, increases root mass and reduces plant stress."

The most important feature of Rich Earth is the fact that it contains 70 plant-derived trace minerals, 45 percent humic acid (regular compost only has between 5 percent and 15 percent humic acid), and a key ingredient that makes Rich Earth so unique -- 14 percent fulvic acid. The fulvic acid is still intact because the humate is located in a desert, where nutrients piggy back onto the humic acid and get easily absorbed by the plants, even phosphorus that's been tied up in clay.

It takes 1,500 pounds of regular compost to equal just one 50-pound bag of Rich Earth in soil-conditioning properties alone.

Left by a quirk of nature and undisturbed for millions of years, Rich Earth is said to enhance the landscape wherever it is applied, even in clay.

For more information about Rich Earth, call 800-801-0061.

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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