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Dec. 18

What: Sustainability walking tour; limited to first 25 people. Learn ways to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle from architecture and interior design to water-smart landscaping.

Where: Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View Blvd.

When: 11 a.m.

Cost: Free with general admission

Info: 822-7700

Dec. 19

What: Garden tour, winter wonderland at the Springs. Norm Schilling from KNPR's "Desert Bloom" will focus on plants during the tour and offer tips to liven up winter gardens, which often go dormant in response to cold. Learn which species offer extra zest in winter through bold color, form or texture, plus preview late-winter and early-spring bloomers.

Where: Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View Blvd.

When: 8:30 a.m.

Cost: Free with general admission

Info: 822-7700

* Please e-mail calendar events to hsaylor@reviewjournal.com

Gaining control over this annual weed is not easy to do

To make sure it doesn’t return you have to interrupt the seed-to-flowering-plant cycle at least for a couple of years and fill the voids with something competitive.

Why did my bird of paradise plants quit blooming?

They were in bloom when we planted them five or six years ago, and they bloomed the following year as well. But they have not bloomed again.