From a single red rose in vase to a colorful bouquet of daffodils, lilies, carnations or even exotic orchids, having fresh flowers in your home is good for the soul.
Home and Garden
DEAR GAIL: We’ve been in our home for 11 years and in two years we’ll be retiring and moving. We had planned on upgrading some things because we went with all of the builder standards, but we just kept on putting it off for another day. We know that we’ll need to make some changes and figure we might as well enjoy them for the next two years. We don’t want to invest as much money as we would have, but are willing to upgrade some things that will make our home more attractive when we put it on the market. So what should we do? — Kali C.
A group of compassionate area residents are literally putting their designs on helping children with terminal illnesses.
: My washing machine is about 10 years old and it has started leaking whenever I do a load of clothes. Should I fix it or buy a new one?
October 1
: Can you recommend some varieties of pear trees suited for the climate in Las Vegas? I am interested in pears that you can eat after picking as opposed to the type that are better for cooking.
DEAR DEBBIE: Our son and daughter (11 and 9 years old) have both asked to have a wall in their bedrooms that they can write on. We have heard of blackboard paint and wonder if you can cover it up when they change their minds and want paint or wallpaper again. Thanks for your kid-friendly ideas. — Melissa
In her lifetime, Kathy Ireland has filled many roles. Supermodel, actress, author, CEO of a billion-dollar empire, wife and mother of three. Now she can add dancer.
DEAR HELOISE: The following are a couple of uses for fragrant dryer sheets:
Uniquely artful, durable, eco-friendly, allergy free and easy to maintain. What is it? Decorative concrete floors for your home.
October is National Energy Awareness month and this year’s theme is “A Sustainable Energy Future; Putting All the Pieces Together.” The idea is to encourage everyone to see how they fit into the big picture.
Twentieth-century iron toys and tin toys have been collected for generations, and many books and articles have been written about the toys and their makers. But celluloid toys, which date from the late 1800s into the 1950s (when plastic became popular), were made in many European countries, Japan and the United States. Although celluloid is flammable and dents, cracks and splits easily, it was used to make dolls and other toys because it was inexpensive but could be decorated with bright colors and molded into complicated shapes.
It’s a new day at World Market Center Las Vegas. A new date, new products, a new campaign to engage consumers and renewed enthusiasm highlighted the inaugural fall market held last week at the downtown facility.
Rocco is a hip, fashionable guy who bought a beautiful loft in the heart of the city. But shortly after doing so, he took off to Australia for a volleyball tournament and didn’t come home for six years. He finally returned and was eager to move back into his condo, but after renting it out for so many years, it just didn’t feel like “home” to him.