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Home and Garden

Corn needs its space to grow properly

H ave you moved to Las Vegas and miss your CSA? What is a CSA? It stands for Community Supported Agriculture and there is a new producer in the Moapa Valley looking for subscribers. These CSA farmers grow fresh food for you by subscription to their farm. If this interests you, drop me a line at morrisr@unce.unr.edu or give me a call at 257-5509. Help support our local producers.

Film’s message about food something to chew on

Society has shifted in many ways in this historically brief age of oil, and our means of food production is no exception. The once-rich diversity of food crops has been decimated during the last few decades due to the intensive industrialization of the farming industry. A vast array of products found on supermarket shelves are manufactured from just a few primary monocrops.

Upholstered walls, ceilings magically transform any room

The scent of honeysuckle and jasmine was incredibly seductive as I made my way to the front door of the home cleverly concealed from the street by a large hedge. Houses in Beverly Hills are lovely that way, accented by flowers and trees bigger than life, no doubt the result of a potent combination of ocean breezes, balmy temperatures and that famous Golden State sunshine forever struggling to break through the ubiquitous brown haze known as smog.

What’s underfoot?

Like so many things in life, when it comes to purchasing a new handwoven rug for your home having a little education goes a long way.

Window coverings can make seasonal changes, too

Now that we have awakend from winter’s short, dark days there’s a powerful impulse to let air and sunshine stream into the home. And that means it may be time to change the window coverings. This year, however, many homeowners and tenants alike might assume they can’t afford such a makeover. That would be unfortunate because sunny days do carry a potential psychological charge we could all use.

Original purpose of many antiques debatable

Several museums have “What is it?” exhibits that display unusual items in the hope that someone will recognize a rarely used specialized tool or a pot for an ethnic dish unfamiliar to us today.

Even watering helps prevent split tomatoes

: I have two tomato plants and a few of the fruit that have ripened are split. I think you covered this issue in the past, but I would thank you for the information again.

Just an illusion

If it looks like stone, it must be stone. Right? Not necessarily.

Patio installation paves way for weekends of work

: We plan to build a patio. I prefer interlocking pavers, but my wife wants to use concrete. I know concrete is much faster, but I think the pavers will look better. How hard is it to install the pavers?

Naugahyde’s durability, versatility endures

At the recent Hospitality Design Show, I revisited a product I hadn’t thought about in years. But very much alive and well and showing off for hospitality designers was, drum roll, Naugahyde.

Bookcases are not just for books

DEAR GAIL: We have a wall unit in our family room with a set of bookcases on each side of the TV armoire that’s just been junked up with books. We have a lot of books we’d like to keep but some can go. How do I go about decorating them so that they look nice? — Carolynn M.

Balcony’s décor should be extension of indoor spaces

As condo living increases, for many of us balconies have become our summer backyards. Tiny in comparison, with concrete instead of grass underfoot, it may at first feel like a poor swap. But there is much you can do with a little space, and the best way to enjoy it is to design the balcony as an extension of your indoor living space. If you are just starting out, there are alternatives in outdoor seating that will help you set the style, and you can hide the concrete floor and walls too.

Fabulous Fourth

It’s Independence Day and time to celebrate.

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