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In Case You Missed It: Sensitive toddler tears up to ‘Say Something’ song

Little kids are usually brought to tears by an owie, a lack of food, the TV being turned off and bedtime. Rarely are they “touched” by a burning in their bosom, especially to a Christina Aguilera song.

But 4-year-old Jackson Blitch was feeling it the other day while on a drive with his dad, Mark, in Plano, Texas.

Jackson heard “Say Something” by Aguilera and A Great Big World come on the radio, so naturally his dad changed the station.

“But he wanted it back on for some reason,” wrote Mark. “Here is the first moment that he has been ‘moved.’”

Next thing you know little Jackson starts fogging up his aviation goggles. Mark asks little Jackson a couple if times if he wants him to change the song, but Jackson shakes him off everytime.

Even Aguilera herself was moved, tweeting #LittleSensitiveSoul.

Mark eventually asks for a thumbs-up confirmation from his little guy that he’s alright. And Jackson obliges, but with the saddest thumbs up of all time.

Mark told Yahoo! Shine that Jackson was simply touched by the lyrics to what he calls “the sad song.”

Mark, who works in video production, simply saw viral gold.

Sounds like a win-win.

Have a video you’d like to share? Contact Graydon Johns at gjohns@reviewjournal.com. Find him on Twitter: @gjohns

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