Pope Francis has lamented that children are being taught at school that gender can be a choice.
Pope Francis encouraged hundreds of thousands of young people at a global gathering Sunday to “believe in a new humanity” that is stronger than evil and refuses to see borders as barriers.
The terrorist attack on a French church and murder of a priest renewed a central conflict just about every house of worship faces sooner or later: how to provide security while remaining welcoming.
Rev. Steve Willis uses humor on the sign outside First Christian Church on Rancho Drive to draw in new people.
The Active Adults 55 Plus group at Temple Beth Sholom learned more about the Book of Jonah by stepping into the shoes of the characters in a bibliodrama.
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz has been the spiritual leader for 11 years and she now will become the rabbi emerita or senior educator, and she will be involved with the congregation as much as her successor needs her. “It’s not retirement, it’s rewirement,” she said.
Muslims frequently gather nightly during the monthlong Ramadan, which started this year on June 6.
The Rev. Jim Robinson felt called to the ministry as a second career. He made the best use of the shorter time frame of his career to increase activities at First Henderson United Methodist Church.
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid has told a state energy task force that he was pleased to see a recommendation to grandfather in existing Nevada rooftop solar customers under more favorable rates, but expressed disappointment that the panel has not proposed a way to restore the industry going forward.
Best known for its food pantry, Lutheran Social Services of Nevada offers a variety of programs to help people maintain self-sufficiency. “We are like a family here. Our mission is to express the love of Christ by serving and caring for people in need,” said Armena Mnatsakanyan, executive director.
The future of the church building that dates to 1955 is up in the air because of Project Neon, a $1 billion-plus highway rehabilitation of Interstate 15 between the Spaghetti Bowl downtown and Sahara Avenue.
Mormon leaders are giving their young missionaries some help for those long walks beneath the blazing sun by granting them permission to wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats.
The Rev. Michael Engfer has multiple opportunities to serve through All Saints Episcopal Church and the Air Force Reserves.
The Southern Nevada Institute for Spirituality in Healthcare believes a contemplative practice of meditation or prayer brings the mind, body and spirit together, resulting in better health care outcomes.
Three Square was the perfect setting for the Jewish Community Center’s retreat, titled Seek, Nourish, Ignite, and gave participants the opportunity to do some volunteer work while they were there. Women also could choose from 21 sessions that included cooking, dancing, crafts and other educational offerings.