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OK, it isn't so bad out there yet, but before we know it we'll be getting the full blow-dryer effect and trying to make ourselves feel better by saying things like, "Well, at least it's a dry heat" when the thermometer hits 115.

The best way to combat that dry heat -- short of a brief stay in a walk-in cooler-- is to sip something wet and cool, and that's where Review-Journal readers come in. We know you have your favorite summer beverages (and here we're talking about those of a nonalcoholic nature), and we want to know what they are. Send us your favorite recipes for nonalcoholic summer drinks.

And, to make it fun and profitable, the reader with the most creative or tasty or whatever touches our fancy type of drink will receive $100.

Send recipes to Drink Recipes, Las Vegas Review-Journal, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125, e-mail to hrinella@review journal.com or fax to 383-4676. Recipes must be received by May 11.

Recipes will be shared both in the Taste section and on the Review-Journal Web site.

How can I improve my vegetable garden’s output?

We have a raised bed vegetable garden. For the last few years our tomatoes, zucchini and eggplants have produced little to no fruit.

Nevada’s dismal ranking on mental health unacceptable

I cringed when I saw Mental Health America’s recent assessment of Nevada based on prevalence of mental health conditions and limited access to services.

Why taking a daily multivitamin may backfire

If you’re taking a multivitamin to help you live longer, a new study by researchers at the National Cancer Institute may prompt you to reconsider.