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Clark academy helps prepare students to teach

Seniors in the Teacher Education Academy, or TEACH, at Clark High School, 4291 W. Pennwood Ave., started internships this semester at elementary, middle and high schools of their choosing across the Las Vegas Valley. They work under a mentor, called a master teacher, four days a week.

Chancellor: Start over on college funding in Nevada

The formula Nevada uses to fund its colleges and universities is unfair, confusing and outdated. It encourages growth for its own sake, rewards mediocrity instead of excellence, and discourages the colleges and universities from innovating.

Student patrol fosters safety, education in conflict resolution

Kids at Wengert Elementary School are taking the law into their own hands by patrolling the school’s playground as anti-bullying safety officers who issue citations for name-calling and fighting.

Law students offer free tax help to those in need

Students in the Boyd Financial Law Society at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, are offering free tax preparation assistance for people with low to moderate incomes through the IRS-sponsored Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program at the Cambridge and Whitney recreation centers.

Scholarships essential for UNLV students

With college costs rising every year, some students say they might never get their degrees without the support of scholarships. Donations, largely from wealthy individuals or corporations, fund those scholarships.

Benefactor helps UNLV students who fall through cracks

When Las Vegas gaming executive and real estate developer Philip Cohen died a year ago, he did something unusual for a man who’d never graduated college: He left millions of dollars to UNLV.

Private gifts to Nevada’s universities make a difference for students

Hollie Taylor was at the end of her rope. She’d been denied admittance to UNLV, which probably should not have been surprising considering she’d been out of school for 15 years, had two kids and worked two full-time jobs.

How some UNLV buildings got their names

Take a walk through virtually any university’s campus, and names both familiar and unheard of are plastered on the sides of many of the buildings.

Sandoval urges charter school panel to expand parent choices

Gov. Brian Sandoval called for members of a new board overseeing charter school education to provide more choices for parents and children who deserve the right to select the type of education that meets their personal needs.

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