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Heat, borers plague landscapes over summer

Two major problems occurred to landscape plants and fruit trees these past few weeks during the summer. First was the heat. They were stressed. High temperatures seemed to linger longer than normal. In addition, minimum nighttime temperatures stayed elevated well into the 90s for more days than I remember in the past.

Las Vegas recyclables take long journey from curb before reuse

Recyclables are not the kind of trash that’s taken to the dump. Instead, these are materials that can be returned to their original, raw form before shipment to other facilities to be recycled into usable resources.

Check for girdling roots when choosing plant at nursery

Q: I have a Mexican bird of paradise that was planted five years ago that suddenly died. It had flourished until now. I pulled out the plant and sent you some pictures of the dead plant, girdling or circling roots and borers that I found in the center of the stem that probably killed it.

While unsightly, slime flux is nonlethal tree disease

Q: I have two paloverde trees in front of my house. One seems to be fine while the other has struggled for four years. I am told the tree is healthy, but every summer it leaks white, sticky foam from the trunk. This foam attracts bees and beetles. The tree has received professional borer treatments twice a year, but it’s still bad.

Borer damage to trees, shrubs is obvious this time of year

This is the time of year when borer damage in trees and shrubs is most obvious. Limbs are dying. Their damage can be seen from a distance now, but they’ve been working hard feeding on the inside of trees and shrubs for months.

Wet soil or mulch against tree trunk can cause collar rot

Q: The leaves on my fig tree appear burned after this rain. I foliar sprayed it with neem oil and soap and fish protein isolate. These trees were planted last fall and mulched with 1 foot of woodchips and looked amazing until now. They are watered three times each week in the summer.

Rehabilitate plants damaged by chewing insects

Q: We’ve noticed leaf damage this year on our rose bushes and apple and pear trees. More than previous years. But, peach, apricot and pomegranate seem unaffected. Some of our roses were decimated. Any idea what pest causes this and how to control it?

Golden Knights’ City National Arena worth visit even in offseason

For anyone who thinks of City National Arena as just some practice facility for the Vegas Golden Knights, with little else to offer in between National Hockey League seasons, be assured that you’re in for a surprise.

Northeast Utah’s Flaming Gorge underrated as outdoor play land

Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area isn’t among the most famous outdoor destinations, but perhaps it should be. Certainly, if you plan a northern trip to Wyoming’s Yellowstone or Grand Teton National Parks, consider a side trip to Flaming Gorge. Located in a remote area of northeast Utah and southwest Wyoming, this is an outdoorsman’s paradise. The most popular activities are fishing, boating, rafting, hiking and camping.

Auto insurance costs are up, but adjustments were overdue

If you’re still suffering from the headache caused by that hefty increase in your auto insurance premiums, get over it. The reasons for the hike are many, but suffice it to say that whether you live in Summerlin or anywhere else in Las Vegas, the days of relatively cheap auto insurance are in the past.

Faulty irrigation system can produce brown spots in lawn

Q: We installed a lawn 18 months ago, but it has a difficult time during summer months. I aerate it and fertilize it, and I know the drainage is good because the landscaper installed the system to our HOA requirements. I water twice daily, six days a week around 5 a.m. and 9 p.m. There is a decent amount of shade, and the yard faces south. Even the heavily shaded areas have problems. What can I do differently?

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