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See arches, spectacular scenery at Natural Bridges National Monument

Getting to Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah, takes a little more time and trouble than some weekend jaunts, but the rewards are also a little bigger. You’ll not only see three of the nation’s most impressive natural bridges, but on the way there, you will see some more of the Southwest’s most spectacular scenery.

Permit-less public street shutdown has penalties

We exited the 215 Beltway onto West Cheyenne Avenue with the expectation of moving into the right lane, heading east. That’s the lane used to bypass most traffic lights; the lane that allows vehicles steady movement. Big mistake. Orange road cones blocked off the entire right lane for as far as the eye could see.

Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum ‘Spelled’ is gigantic fun

With a starting point of a basic princess story, author Betsy Schow moves with lightning speed through just about every fairy tale and fantasy story you can remember.

Stay buoyant at salty Mono Lake

Just east of the Sierra Nevada range, near the small tourist town of Lee Vining, Calif., is one of the most unusual bodies of water you’ll ever visit. Mono Lake is one of the oldest in North America and has no outlet, and for that reason, mineral salts have become so concentrated in the lake that fish cannot live in it. These high concentrations combined with other local conditions to form towers of rock tufa, extending high above the water surface and are equally beloved by birds and photographers.

TaylorMade Las Vegas’ new flight deck christened by golf legend

Maybe it was too far away; maybe my schedule was too busy. Probably it was the fact that my golf swing is already close to perfect. Whatever, it’s been quite a while since I’ve been to the Callaway Golf Experience on Las Vegas Boulevard South. A lot has transpired. It’s now the TaylorMade Golf Experience. In November 2013, the owners and brothers, John and Ron Boreta, didn’t renew their agreement with Callaway Golf, which cleared the way for the relationship with TaylorMade.

Northern Nevada adventure never disappoints

With the arrival of warm weather and school almost out, this is the time to think about a summer visit to the cooler climates of Northern Nevada. One of the most stunning areas you can visit lies just east of Elko: the Ruby Mountains.

Women, trucks, commercial vehicles prime targets for accident-stagers

Drivers, beware! No matter what part of the valley you live in, scammers are out there looking to rip off your insurance company by staging an accident. And they’re using you, the unsuspecting victim, as their bait.

Hidden Hackberry a hike back in time

Hackberry Canyon in the southwestern section of the 1.9 million-acre Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument remains so enchantingly unspoiled it’s easy to forget you’re in the 21st century. And that’s the point of going there. While the hike is quite remote, the reward is a stunning narrow canyon, carved by a perennial stream, flanked by lush vegetation. If you go right now, there are also wildflowers.

Doctor’s dog is a Summerlin skateboarding marvel

Maybe there’s a kid in your house who spends lots of hours a week on a skateboard, you know, doing tricks and all sorts of things. Maybe you spend lots of hours on a skateboard, showing off to your neighbors. But did you ever watch a dog on a skateboard — for hours at a time?

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