Authenticity tops the list of qualities in the new book “Stella by Starlight” by Sharon M. Draper.
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More than 900 acres of grass have been removed from Southern Nevada golf courses in the last 12 years, conserving more than 2 billion gallons of water. Now, that’s big. Moreover, those numbers are especially notable when you consider that we live in a desert and a sector of the country that has been suffering from a lingering drought for more than a decade.
I kind of remember where I was when I heard the news.
Beginning with his earliest memory and moving forward to young adulthood, Jason Schmidt shares a powerful, emotional coming-of-age tale of an unstable childhood, of the beginning of AIDS and of people living on the edge of society with little to nothing, all told in a voice dripping with sarcasm, irony and anger.
One way to beat the January blues is by taking a day trip to nearby Death Valley National Park, Calif. Depending on where you live in the Las Vegas Valley, you can be at the hub of the park, Furnace Creek, in 2 to 2 1/2 hours.
Rags worked hard at keeping rats and mice away from the soldiers. He acted as an early-warning system for incoming shells; when he fell “belly-to-dirt,” so did the soldiers. He sniffed out wires and carried messages across enemy lines, which was very dangerous. Soon, everyone knew about Rags. He was “a giant of a dog.”
If you’re betting that Tivoli Village won’t succeed, then place your bet again, and don’t let recent construction delays deter you.
Everybody needs a hero in their life. In the new book “Bass Reeves: Tales of the Talented Tenth” by Joel Christian Gill, your hero just might be a lawman.
The freeze is coming. Remember that the coldest is just before dawn. Clear, cloudless skies are more likely to give us lower temperatures and freezing; windy cold is worse than just cold. Cover tender plants before you go to bed and uncover them when it is no longer freezing.
Every home, it seems, contains a Gimme Monster at some point or other during the holidays. When that happens, you need “The Lollipop Monster’s Christmas.”
Careful as you may be in choosing Christmas gifts for your children, it’s a rare gift that won’t eventually be broken, outgrown or worn out. But good memories can last a lifetime, and those few days after Christmas morning, but before school resumes, offer an unparalleled opportunity to build those memories along the trails of Southern Nevada
So you’ve had it with all this stadium and arena talk in and around Las Vegas. Who’s in? Who’s out? We know that soccer is in after the Las Vegas City Council approved a new stadium, provided that major-league soccer awards a franchise to Las Vegas.
You’re going to love what’s beneath your tree this year … mostly. In the new book “My Puppy Gave to Me” by Cheryl Dannenbring, illustrated by Cynthia Kremsner, there are some presents you can probably live without.
It’s Christmas Eve, a quarter to ten, and Spark Elf is getting antsy. In just two hours, he and his fellow elves Bobbin and Nutshell will help Santa deliver presents. The reindeer are ready, the sleigh is full, and because he feels “so good,” Spark snaps an elfie.
For some reason doubtless buried in our prehistoric past, most humans find volcanos interesting, as long as they’re not spewing molten rock and poison gas. If you’d like to visit one that has behaved itself for about 10,000 years but still shows the interesting geologic features acquired in its flaming youth, Amboy Crater makes a fine day trip this time of year. The temperature will be 5 to 10 degrees warmer than the same day in Las Vegas, and the route I suggest will take you through the Mojave National Preserve, an agreeable place in early winter.