Question: I have two Santa Rosa plum trees planted in my backyard. One is planted in a lawn, and the other is in a rock landscape. Both are doing well with numerous large plums growing on them. The one in the lawn area has about 25 percent small yellow plums that fall off when I flick them or shake the branches. The remainder of the larger plums look great.
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Any child who has “The Ultimate Book of Vehicles From Around the World” by his side can pretend to drive, dig or haul right now, no driver’s license required.
Question: I have a recently planted ocotillo. It is tied together by wire. When should I cut the ties? Also, I heard that I should spray the plant with water frequently. What’s frequently?
I really never thought a lot about golf demo days. You’ve seen them: a tent set up at the driving range, a gazillion clubs, manufacturer reps pitching the latest tech clubs and high prices.
Mention the name Matt Smith in conjunction with physical therapy, and you’re likely to hear some positive words from prominent athletes, high-profile casino owners, top-tier entertainers and other professionals, not just in Las Vegas but throughout the country.
If you are looking for an easy outdoor excursion that might be close to home, head just south of Boulder City to Keyhole Canyon. A narrow canyon in the mountainside, filled with petroglyphs and a few pictographs, and culminating in a smooth dryfall, the place has a unique, romantic and almost magical feel. It’s a great place to spend a spring morning, and exploring the canyon itself is such an easy, short hike that just about anyone in your family can enjoy.
Question: I’m replacing my red yuccas that have grown too large for a 3-foot area. They are in full sun. They spill over into the walkway where my grandchildren have been getting stabbed by the leaves. Can tree roses handle that location?
If you lived in the White House, you’d change those things your parents grumble about. And in the new book, “The White House for Kids,” you’ll see what it’s like to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Say what you will about Summerlin Parkway, but to question its safety may be stretching things a bit. There are legitimate questions, however, surrounding the general vicinity of the Rampart Boulevard overpass.
Question: Our Spanish dagger yucca was doing great, but it’s leaning badly now. There are pups coming from the base. Is this normal?
Springtime in Zion National Park is all about renewal. The deciduous trees are putting on leaves, the wildflowers are starting to bloom and the usually dry cliff faces have turned into bases for waterfalls. The best aspect of this scenario is that you can see it up close about 2 1/2 hours from Las Vegas.
Anna Hibiscus from the children’s picture book ““Splash, Anna Hibiscus!” by Atinuke and Lauren Tobia” watched the ocean waves as they splashed and laughed. She wanted so much to splash, too, and she wanted everyone else to come with her!
Question: I live in a third-floor condo that faces south. I get about seven hours of direct sun and have containers on my patio with spinach, tomatoes and peppers that are doing well so far. I was wondering if there are any types of fruit trees that produce and thrive in a patio container.
Yep, taking things apart is fun, even though it might make your parents or teachers a little crazy. So maybe you need to read “Ask a Science Teacher” by Larry Scheckel instead. That might be somewhat safer.