Question: What other landscape shrubs benefit from an application of iron chelate? I know bottlebrush and photinia. Others?
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Sometimes, you have a good nose for trouble.
Ouch! The other day, you cut yourself and it really, really hurt.
Question: We have a question about our 5 to 6 year old naval orange tree. For the past 2 to 3 years, we left the fruit on the tree until the weather man said freezing temperatures were coming. But with just cold nights, the fruit seems to dry out. Can we pick the fruit early and let the oranges ripen in the house?
Eagle Crest Golf Course is one of three courses up in the Sun City Summerlin community. And you’ll probably see Australian shepherd Leroy hanging out on course.
Question: I have “burlap” growing between the fronds at the trunk of my 4-year-old male date palm. They look awful and are difficult to manage. Please advise.
The four hours you spend in the classroom during the AARP Driver Safety Course could save your life.
Question: For many years, my family has had access to wild, abandoned quince bushes in the east San Francisco Bay area. We have since moved from there and see that you list this fruit as a tree that may survive here in the Las Vegas area with the proper soil.
Question: Can you recommend a good, small indoor tree for my living room that will grow almost up to the cathedral ceiling?
There’s a no-brainer sitting on the table down at City Hall that could benefit the city’s coffers, Las Vegas Fire & Rescue and, of most importance, residents of Las Vegas who require emergency medical service.
Your best friend, for instance his family came from Mexico. A classmate of yours had ancestors from Africa, and another classmate’s Mom was born in China. Maybe your own grandparents immigrated from Germany , India , or Israel.