Las Vegas Valley trick-or-treaters urged to be home by 9 pm
October 26, 2017 - 11:28 am
A new Halloween safety campaign is advising local trick-or-treaters to be home by 9 p.m.
Clark County commissioners voted this month to approve the “Inside by 9” voluntary curfew, with the goal of improving pedestrian safety. As of Oct. 21, 58 walkers have been killed by vehicles in the county this year.
“Halloween is a lot of fun for families across the Las Vegas Valley, but it is also a dangerous time,” Commissioner Lawrence Weekly said. “Children in costume are excited and sometimes don’t pay attention to traffic and may dart out into roads with costumes obscuring their vision. Drivers sometimes don’t see children until it’s too late.
The campaign also encourages homeowners to turn off their porch lights after 9 p.m. to discourage further trick-or-treating.
“Inside by 9” also includes a 30-second TV spot in both English and Spanish that will air locally. More information can be found at
The cities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson do not have curfews specific to Halloween. On weeknights, Las Vegas has a curfew of 10 p.m. for children age 17 and younger. Henderson spokesman David Cherry said his city supports the county’s “Inside by 9” initiative.
Contact Michael Scott Davidson at or 702-477-3861. Follow @davidsonlvrj on Twitter.