Local Las Vegas
The story behind the Huntridge neighborhood and its park and theater’s namesake is the stuff of legend that few know.
After 70 years of marriage, longtime downtown Las Vegas residents Arthur and Lillian Richert said they would not change a thing.
With fur trapping season under way in Southern Nevada, members of the trapping community have put an emphasis on safety.
Question: Yesterday, I found three deep, very round holes dug about 6 inches apart at the edge of my raised garden where I have had tulips planted for years. Dirt was kicked out, and baby tulip bulbs were scattered.
The Clark County Shooting Complex offers rifle, pistol, shotgun and archery target shooting for all ages. The 2,800-acre facility, 11357 N. Decatur Blvd., is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday through Sunday.
When Jenna Tucker’s Marine father is killed in an explosion, the teen plunges herself into a destructive spiral broken only when her drunken boyfriend plows into the side of a minivan. In response, Jenna’s mother ships her off for a summer of exile where Jenna is expected to leave Las Vegas and help out in her aunt’s rural grocery store. Las Vegas author Christene Houston follows Jenna’s journey through anger, pain and love in the young adult romance novel “A Heart So Broken.”