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Local Las Vegas

Strip prepares to go dark again for Earth Hour

The Las Vegas skyline, normally ablaze with light, goes dark each year in honor of Earth Hour. The same eerie sight will happen again tonight, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The Strip’s casinos will power down their exterior lighting and marquees to raise awareness about climate change.

BLM moves to protect fossils in Tule Springs area

No homes will be built on top of the mammoths of Tule Springs anytime soon. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management announced Friday that it won’t allow the auction of almost 11,000 acres of fossil-rich federal land at the valley’s northern edge.

Tracky unveiled

Las Vegas Perspective offers portrait of ‘many communities’

Jeremy Aguero said the 148-page 2012 Las Vegas Perspective book says so much about Las Vegas. Of the valley’s nearly 2 million residents, 46.8 percent are white, 30 percent are Hispanic, 10 percent are black and 8.7 percent are Asian. Average age is 35.6 years and median household income is $54,255. Nearly 30 percent of residents have a high school diploma or equivalent, and 24.7 percent have some college, but no degree.

Love can endure if people work through lost relationships

I’ve long wondered when a relationship ends, where does the love go? You say arrange your life until it erodes, atrophies and dies. I disagree. Time passes, but when someone has changed you, shown you how pretty the world is, checked an item or some three off your bucket list, then I say with certainty, love endures. — N.W., Las Vegas

L’Dor V’Dor to host free event for homebound seniors April 3

The L’Dor V’Dor program isn’t content to provide more than 200 homebound seniors with a day of socializing and lunch. It wants to expand the program and is asking the community to sign up more people for its Pre-Passover Seder luncheon.