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Trump event draws roars, 1,600 people to TI

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump likes to talk about how he's leading polls. He also likes to talk about how there are big crowds everywhere he goes.

The billionaire businessman appears convinced that a movement is underway to take back the country, electing him president in the process.

About 1,600 people who filled a TI theater Thursday roared their approval during Trump's one-hour freewheeling speech that included boasts about his three-month ride at the top of the polls, jabs at opponents of both parties and pledge to bring jobs to the United States from China.

Nearly four months into his campaign, Trump didn't hold back.

"We're tired of being pushed around," he said. "We're tired of being led by stupid people."

He told the crowd there was a waiting list for the event, which filled up.

"They didn't get the good real estate," Trump said, noting that others wanted in. "You got the good real estate."

Trump is leading the polls, tapping into an anti-establishment fervor that favors other candidates without elected experience, including retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

The GOP has a crowded field of 15 candidates. Nevada, with February caucuses, is an early-voting state that is a key indicator of determining who gets the Republican and Democratic nominations.

They weren't spared from Trump's ribbing. He took aim at Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and his fellow Republican candidates, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio.

"She said, 'I don't like Donald Trump's tone,'" Trump mocked.

He added that a new tone is needed: his style.

"We need a tough tone, don't we?" he said. "We're tired of these weak, pathetic sad people that don't have a clue, that won't do anything. We are going to make the country better than it's ever been before."

He also didn't leave out former GOP presidential candidates, connecting their demise with their attempts to take Trump down.

"So far, when people attack me, they get creamed," Trump said, giving former Texas Gov. Rick Perry's failed bid for president as an example.

Trump cast himself as someone who doesn't need big money from lobbyists and other influential groups.

"I'm self-funding my campaign," Trump said.

He said he doesn't reject small token donations from supporters, but turns down multimillion-dollar donations.

"I don't want the big money," he said.

Trump's speech was short on policy specifics, though he said his tax plan would be a reduction in taxes for the middle class. He also said he has developed detailed policy positions that are available, adding that his supporters don't need them because they know he'll do the right thing.

Trump made an impromptu invitation. He invited Myriam Witcher on stage and autographed the cover of her People magazine issue that features his photo on the cover.

He said he's "never met her before," adding "She is amazing."

Witcher, of Las Vegas, later told the Review-Journal she immigrated to the United States from Colombia and fully supports Trump on all issues, including immigration.

Trump made jabs at the media, blaming pundits for saying he faded out in the last Republican debate when his silence was because no questions came his way.

He also complained of an inaccurate media account that he was fired by NBC from his "The Apprentice" series.

"They're such dirty, rotten liars," Trump said. "It's disgusting."

Trump thanked the supporting throng. He has come to expect big crowds, though he complains that television news cameras never pan the audience to show that.

"This is a movement to take our country back," Trump said. "It's like this everywhere."

Rubio has an event in Las Vegas at 5:30 p.m. today.

Contact Ben Botkin at bbotkin@reviewjournal.com or 702-387-2904. Find him on Twitter: @BenBotkin1.

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