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Local Nevada

BLM not in rush to return to Gold Butte area following Bundys’ arrests

The federal government will tread slowly before returning to the expansive Gold Butte area following the arrest in Oregon of a Bunkerville rancher and two of his sons, a Bureau of Land Management officials said Tuesday.

Scalia death creates uncertainty over several issues affecting Nevada

The sudden death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia does not affect any Nevada-specific cases, but advocates for various issues said Monday his death creates uncertainty as the nation’s highest court considers hot-button issues such as union membership, abortion rights and immigration.

Reid speaks to White House about Scalia replacement

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, who has urged President Barack Obama to move “right away” in filling the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court, has spoken to the White House on what is shaping up to be a major partisan battle, a Reid aide said Monday.

New hope emerges for Nevada company’s cleaner-burning fuel

There is new hope that a cleaner burning alternative diesel fuel invented by a Reno businessman and his late father will soon be back on the market in Nevada and around the world.

Nevada Supreme Court group studies new bail program

A Nevada Supreme Court committee is examining a new bail system that could help reduce jail populations across the the state, cut down on repeat offenders and provide judges with more information about defendants before bail is set.

Inmate from Clark County dies at Reno hospital

An inmate at Lovelock Correctional Center died Friday night at a Reno hospital. according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.

Federal investigation casts shadow on Nevada Gaming Commission member

The Sparks Nugget, overseen for 16 years by Nevada Gaming Commission member Michonne Ascuaga, is under a federal investigation for failing to implement effective anti-money laundering programs at the casino, according to court papers filed Wednesday in relation to the property’s 2013 sale.

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