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North Las Vegas boosts funding for school crossing guards

Two more crossing guards will help provide a safe path for students headed to schools in North Las Vegas.

The North Las Vegas City Council on Wednesday agreed to increase its contract with The Crossing Guard Co. by $15,981 to pay for the additional workers. The private company’s contract with the city now stands at $821,738 annually, funded by the North Las Vegas Police Department.

By August, the city will have 108 crossing guards. The Police Department had previously managed the city’s crossing guards until the City Council opted to hire a private contractor last year as a way to save money.

Two years ago, Police Chief Alex Perez said the move would reduce the amount of time a police lieutenant must spend overseeing crossing guards and cut the time spent on recruiting, hiring and background checks.

Contact Art Marroquin at amarroquin@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0336. Find @AMarroquin_LV on Twitter.