North Las Vegas Constable Robert Eliason is off to a strong start in his bid to keep his elected office.
North Las Vegas
The two men gunned down in separate but related shootings inside a North Las Vegas fourplex have been identified.
North Las Vegas police are investigating a homicide Saturday morning at the same Ellis Street location of Friday’s triple shooting that left one man dead.
The shooting occurred around 5 a.m. Friday on the 2500 block of Ellis Street, near Carey Avenue and Belmont Street, and left two others hospitalized at University Medical Center in Las Vegas, one in critical condition.
Of the five candidates vying for the office of North Las Vegas Constable, all but the incumbent say they support a state law requiring the position be held by a certified law enforcement officer.
The North Las Vegas Police Department will soon receive seven new vehicles and 18 computers, under a pair of contracts approved by the City Council Wednesday night.
A stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard in North Las Vegas was fitted with a series of improvements aimed at bolstering pedestrian safety.
North Las Vegas Councilwoman Pamela Goynes-Brown was selected by her City Council colleagues to serve the next year as mayor pro-tem, a largely ceremonial role that allows her to step in when Mayor John Lee is not available.
Staff were notified of the possible reduction in force process Thursday in a memo from the district’s human resources department after principals identified $47 million in cuts to their individual school budgets.
An eight-page draft policy that surfaced Monday would guide principals on how to handle students with diverse gender expressions. The School Board will consider the policy at its June 14 meeting.
A North Las Vegas apartment building was destroyed Sunday afternoon in a blaze that burned for more than two hours.
As North Las Vegas evolves into a hub of massive distribution centers aimed at jump-starting the city’s fragile economy, Mayor John Lee wants to make sure truck deliveries show up on time and have a place to park.
A freeway interchange in North Las Vegas will close for three nights this week so that construction crews can wrap up work on a $33.8 million project to widen Interstate 15 between Craig Road and Speedway Boulevard, the Nevada Department of Transportation said.
The $75 million Maya Entertainment Center being built across the street from North Las Vegas City Hall will span more than 67,000 square feet when it opens by Christmas.
The water authority will now pay residents and business owners $3 for every square foot of grass they rip out and replace with desert landscaping and eliminate the cap on how much turf can be terminated.