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How to navigate trio of newly opened Project Neon road features

With three major components to Project Neon going online this week, knowing how to navigate those can help ease confusion ahead of driving on the newly opened road sections.

The new offramp from U.S. Highway 95 southbound to Martin Luther King Boulevard, the new Industrial Road extension and the Charleston Boulevard eastbound slip ramp to Martin Luther King all opened this week.

Here’s how to navigate the trio of new road features associated with Project Neon.

U.S. 95 southbound offramp to Martin Luther King

The reopening of the U.S. 95 southbound to Martin Luther King offramp was months in the making with the ramp being closed to traffic since Feb. 3.

Motorists now have three full right turn lanes and two full left turn lanes replacing the old configuration, which featured one left turn lane and two right turn lanes.

As motorists approach the Interstate 15 southbound/Martin Luther King Boulevard exit ramp on U.S. 95 southbound, they should be in the far right lane to be in a position to access the exit ramp.

Move into the far right lane after merging on the I-15/Martin Luther King offramp to be in position to exit toward Martin Luther King. Once motorists exit they can head north on Martin Luther King by using one of the two left turn lanes or head south by using one of the three right turn lanes.

“The upgraded split ramp adds lane capacity, thereby reducing vehicle backups while improving motorist safety and mobility,” said Tony Illia, NDOT spokesman.

Industrial Road extension

The newly constructed bridge extends Industrial Road from Wyoming Avenue north across the railroad tracks to Western Avenue-Grand Central Parkway intersection.

The concrete girder structure, measuring 149 feet long by 24 feet high, carries traffic over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Additionally, a 10-foot sidewalk on each side of the bridge will connect pedestrians between Charleston and Wyoming.

“The single-span structure is another north-south connection that minimizes vehicle gridlock and improves mobility, creating additional access into Downtown Las Vegas and Symphony Park, as well as the Medical and Arts districts,” Illia said.

Drivers can opt to travel on Western Avenue from Industrial to access the soon-to-open Neon Gateway. The Neon Gateway allows motorists to enter and exit I-15 via the high-occupancy vehicle lanes. Motorists using these lanes must have two or more occupants in their vehicle.

Trucks with more than two axles are not allowed to use the lanes, even with two or more occupants.

Charleston to Martin Luther King ramp

The newly constructed slip ramp from Charleston provides previously unavailable direct access to Martin Luther King.

The single-lane ramp starts just as motorists heading east pass through the Shadow Lane intersection near the UNLV School of Medicine and provides access to both north and south Martin Luther King, where a new traffic signal will be in place.

To access the ramp, motorists should be in the far left lane, then merge onto the ramp. At the top of the ramp there is a three-way traffic signal, where drivers can head north or south on Martin Luther King.

The ramp only provides access from Charleston to Martin Luther King. Traffic traveling on Martin Luther King cannot use the ramp to access Charleston.

Project Neon, the nearly $1 billion 4-mile widening of I-15 from Sahara Avenue to the Spaghetti Bowl is 96 percent finished with substantial completion slated for Monday.

Contact Mick Akers at makers@reviewjournal.com or 702-387-2920. Follow @mickakers on Twitter.