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National Weather Service issues excessive heat warning

Apply that sunblock, grab your shades and drink plenty of water because the temperature is rising at a rapid rate in the valley and the the National Weather Service has issued an excessive heat warning for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Here’s the forecast for the week.

Tuesday, 7/1: 111 degrees (High), 87 degrees (Low)

Wednesday, 7/2: 110 degress (High), 85 degrees (Low)

Thursday, 7/3: 107 degrees (High), 85 degrees (Low)

Friday, 7/4: 106 degrees (High), 85 degrees (Low)

Saturday, 7/5: 104 degrees (High), 84 degrees (Low)

The good news: natives are taking advantage cool down stations, including the misters outside of the Sugar Factory.

Ashley Casper contributed to this report. Contact her at acasper@reviewjournal.com. Find her on Twitter: @TheCasperA

Some relief from heat for golfers at facility near Strip

Atomic Golf customers had called its bays “stifling.” The off-Strip facility said it has fixed its system and is offering guests other ways to stay cool.