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April 13 Baseball and Softball Linescores


Coronado 11, Palo Verde 1

Palo Verde    000    01    –     1     2    3
Coronado      130    07    –   11   11    0
Janison, Sevilla (2), Wolfram (4), Steiner (5) and Nakamura; Myers and Blyton. W–Myers. L–Janison. 2B–Cor: Maiello 2, Brady, Burrola. HR–PV: Blutman; Cor: Blanchard.

Sierra Vista 7, Desert Oasis 6

Desert Oasis    201    200    1    –    6    11    1
Sierra Vista      003    100    3    –    7    15    2
Lasseigne, Rickard (5) and Schmidt; Smith, T. Burdett (6) and White. W–T. Burdett. L–Rickard. 2B–DO: Van Kuren 2, Paratore; SV: T. Burdett. HR–DO: Tafesh.

Coronado 13, Boulder City 0

Boulder City    000    00    –     0     4    5
Coronado        431    5x    –   13   13    0
Brown and Holling; Amato and Query. W–Amato. L–Brown. 2B–Cor: Amato, H. Harrison, Johnson. 3B–Cor: Amato, H. Harrison, Johnson. HR–Cor: Amato.

Desert Oasis 10, Sierra Vista 8

Desert Oasis    030    023    2    –   10    14    0
Sierra Vista      111    000    5    –     8    10    0
Badayos, Wilson (7) and Wilson, Hall (7); Felise and Ford. W–Badayos. L–Felise. 2B–DO: Hall; SV: Love, Felise. 3B–DO: Wilson 2, Santiago 2; SV: Ford. HR–DO: Badayos.

Palo Verde 9, Canyon View (Utah) 3

Canyon View    000    000    3    –    3     5    3
Palo Verde        310    005    x    –    9   12    2
Platt and Jarvis; Williams and Stover. W–Williams. L–Platt. 2B–PV: Williams, Stover, Beatty, De. Gage. 3B–CV: Reed. HR–PV: Beatty

‘Charismatic’ prep baseball coach dies at 57

Liberty baseball coach Rich Ebarb died Wednesday night, the school confirmed. Ebarb has a long coaching resume in Southern Nevada.