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2015 Fall Sports Schedules Posted

Nevadapreps.com has posted all of the 2015 fall sports schedules it has received.

All Division I and I-A schedules and a large majority of the Division III and IV schedules (where applicable) for football, girls volleyball, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls tennis and boys and girls cross country can be viewed.

The girls golf schedule is not expected to be finalized until August. The remaining Division III and IV schedules will be posted as they are received from each school.

To view a specific team’s schedule, visit the Nevadapreps.com home page. On the right side of the page, select the sport and school from the “find a school, sport or team” pull-down menus, then click Go. When you arrive at the team page, scroll down to just below the school information and click on Schedules/Scores.

To view a full sport’s schedule (or a portion of that schedule), find the sport in the black menu bar at the top of any page, hover over the sport until the sport menu appears, and then click on Schedules. After arriving at the schedule page, select the start date and end date in the appropriate boxes and click Go.

The first regular-season contests are scheduled for Aug. 27, with all sports’ regular season ending on or before Oct. 29.

Coaches and administrators are asked to double-check their schedule on the website and inform the Nevadapreps.com staff of any corrections/changes.