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Skyhawks win in Cunningham’s debut

Former UNLV and NFL star quarterback Randall Cunningham has always known how to keep his cool, even if he was scrambling out of the pocket, or firing downfield under defensive pressure. This past week, though, as he prepared for his coaching debut with Silverado, he became a bit unnerved when some prognosticators picked against his team versus Shadow Ridge.

Sophomore seeks return of Silverado tradition

Though she was in elementary school at the time, Sydney Berenyi hasn’t forgotten the fervor that once surrounded Silverado’s girls volleyball team.

2015 Silverado Girls Soccer Capsule

Bravo (14 goals, 4 assists) and Becze (8 shutouts) both were All-Sunrise Region selections last year and lead a list of nine returnees.

Former UNLV, NFL star Cunningham ready to teach the game

Most of the players on the Silverado football team aren’t old enough to recognize “The Ultimate Weapon” nickname. They don’t know how dominant “QB Eagles” was in Tecmo Bowl or who paved the way for players such as Michael Vick, Cam Newton and Russell Wilson. But make no mistake: They’ve heard the stories and have seen all the plays on YouTube of their new head coach.

Las Vegas Knights II hang onto lead, oust Canyon Springs

Las Vegas Knights II manager Mike Oliver watched his team squander a 9-1 lead Saturday in the opening round of the American Legion State Tournament at Durango, and eventually lose to Silverado, 20-17.

DIVISION I BASEBALL HONORS: Decolati’s development rewarded

Cimarron-Memorial senior shortstop Niko Decolati has been named the Division I Southern Nevada Player of the Year by area baseball coaches. He hit .411 with 10 home runs and 25 RBIs this season for the Spartans.

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