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Black widows found by multiple shoppers in bunches of grapes

First it was bananas, now it’s grapes: Spiders have been found crawling out of supermarket fruit, terrorizing unsuspecting shoppers.

A Pennsylvania woman who bought red grapes at a supermarket earlier this month later found a black widow hiding among the bunches, according to ABC 27.

Yvonne Whalen told the TV station she was rinsing the grapes when she found the spider.

“The next thing I know, there was this leg coming up over a grape and needless to say I dropped my grapes in the sink,” Whalen said.

Whalen isn’t alone in her experience. A Michigan man first noticed a web, and then a black widow, while eating grapes his mother had purchased from a local Kroger store.

The family put the spider in a jar and called Kroger, according to WXYZ.

“We are extremely grateful no one was harmed in this incident,” Kroger said in a statement. “We recognize the customers reached out to our store team. The store team addressed their concerns with the customer.”

A Wisconsin woman also found a black widow in a grocery store’s red grapes earlier this month.

Yvonne Duckhorn told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel she was shopping with her 4-year-old when she grabbed a container of red grapes that was on sale and turned it over to check for mold.

“I saw the legs moving frantically,” Duckhorn told the paper. “I’ve seen bugs on fruit before, and I thought, ‘That is a very big spider.’ Nothing I’d ever seen before.”

In the Milwaukee incident, Aldi Supermarkets, where the spider was found, immediately pulled all grapes from its Milwaukee-area stores “out of an abundance of caution.”

Black widow spiders, commonly identified by their red, hourglass-shaped markings, are sometimes found in grapes becuase the spiders build their webs in vineyards, according to the Huffington Post.

The spiders are venomous and an untreated bite can be fatal, especially to small children and the elderly.

Grapes aren’t the only fruit spiders have been found in recently. A UK family had to evacuate their home late last month after dozens of Brazilian wandering spiders — said to be the most venomous in the world — hatched out of a bunch of bananas purchased at a supermarket.