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In Case You Missed It: Waves of ice sheets rain down

This wacky winter weather is like a Venus fly trap; beautiful and deadly at the same time. One minute we’re admiring the winter wonderland. The next we are running for cover.

Video from Texas shows waves of large ice sheets sliding off roofs to the streets below. The thumping sound alone is intimidating.

“You could hear the ice break away from the roof,” Nicole Jaime, who shot the video in Plano, told WFAA.com.

Luckily no one was hurt, but some cars weren’t so lucky and we’re not just talking about some little dings and scratches. More like smashed roofs, shattered windshields and broken side mirrors.

That’s enough to make you pause.

It makes you wonder if Jack Frost has joined the dark side.

Contact Graydon Johns at gjohns@reviewjournal.com. Find him on Twitter: @gjohns

Israeli strike kills another senior Hezbollah commander

A Hezbollah statement identified the killed commander as Mohammad Naameh Nasser, who went by the name “Abu Naameh,” his nom de guerre.