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Church holds fundraiser for victims of Balkan floods

St. Simeon Serbian Orthodox Church will host a second fundraiser Wednesday to assist victims of flooding in the Balkans.

The event will run from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the St. Simeon church hall, 3950 S. Jones Blvd.

The flooding, caused by storms that two weeks ago dumped about three months’ worth of rain on Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia in a matter of days, left at least 40 people dead and forced tens of thousands of residents from their homes.

St. Simeon church members last week conducted a fundraiser that raised more than $40,000 for flood relief efforts. For more information about today’s event, call St. Simeon Serbian Orthodox Church at 702-367-7783.

Bitter protests erupt over draft of Jewish ultra-Orthodox men

Thousands of Jewish ultra-Orthodox men clashed with Israeli police in central Jerusalem on Sunday during a protest against an Israeli Supreme Court order for them to begin enlisting for military service.