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Nation and World

Video shows chaos before Arizona firefighters’ deaths

The sky glowed red as thick smoke choked out the sun as static communications over the radio captured the final chaotic and confusing moments before 19 members of an elite firefighting crew died in an inferno in the mountains of Arizona.

2 Ohio women held captive to release book

Two of the three Ohio women held captive for years in a Cleveland house have a book deal.

FBI prevents shootings through interventions

The FBI says it has helped to disrupt or prevent nearly 150 shootings and violent attacks this year, in part by steering potential gunmen toward mental health professionals.

Judge: NSA bulk phone collection violates Constitution

A federal judge says the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of phone records violates the Constitution’s ban on unreasonable searches.

Mandela interpreter tied to 2003 ‘mob justice’ killing

The bogus sign language interpreter at last week’s Nelson Mandela memorial service was among a group of people who accosted two men found with a stolen television and burned them to death, family and friends of the interpreter told The Associated Press Monday.

FDA looking at health risks of antibacterial liquid soaps

The Food and Drug Administration says there is no evidence that antibacterial chemicals used in liquid soaps and washes help prevent the spread of germs, and there is some evidence they may pose health risks.

Investigation: more than 1,000 Rawson-Neal patients bused out of Nevada

Nevada’s primary hospital for mentally ill people has bused hundreds of patients out of Las Vegas in recent years, with crime and tragedy often resulting in cities across the country, The Sacramento Bee reported Sunday.

Instagram launches direct messaging feature

Instagram has added a new feature that lets users share photos and videos with up to 15 people rather than everyone who follows them on the popular Facebook-owned photo-sharing app.

UK says cure or drug for dementia possible by 2025

British Prime Minister David Cameron says he hopes to kick-start an international effort to find a cure or effective treatment for dementia by 2025.

Astronaut may get spacewalk Christmas wish fulfilled

Space station astronaut Rick Mastracchio may get his Christmas wish for a spacewalk or two because of a broken cooling system.

221 sickened by synthetic pot in Colorado, CDC reports

Synthetic marijuana is believed to have sickened 221 people in Colorado during a monthlong outbreak this year, according to a federal report released Thursday.

Star Peter O’Toole dies at 81

Known on the one hand for his starring role in “Lawrence of Arabia,” leading tribesmen in daring attacks across the desert wastes, and on the other for his headlong charges into drunken debauchery, Peter O’Toole was one of the most magnetic, charismatic and fun figures in British acting.