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Nation and World

Fake interpreter at Mandela memorial says he saw angels

The sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s memorial says he suffers from schizophrenia and hallucinated and saw angels while gesturing incoherently just 3 feet away from President Barack Obama and other world leaders.

Madden skills: Man applies for coaching job based on video game prowess

McComas has no real-world coaching experience and is a systems integration specialist at Marshall University, but he applied for the head football coaching position at the University of North Dakota based on his performance on Madden NFL.

40-year-old fetus found in elderly Colombian woman

Doctors discovered a 40-year-old fetus inside an elderly woman after she went to the doctor complaining of abdominal pain.

Comet ISON died; sun suspected

Comet ISON, once optimistically called the comet of the century, is dead, the victim of a way-too-close brush with the sun. It was barely a year old.

Palin mayoral SUV eBay sale causes stir

The sale on eBay of a city-owned vehicle used by Sarah Palin when she was mayor of Wasilla is causing a stir in small-town politics: One official says the current mayor is trying to fatten city coffers off Palin’s fame, and the mayor says “guilty as charged.”

Sword-wielding Texan demands free tacos

A Texas man is behind bars for demanding free tacos in exchange for not killing anyone at a San Antonio restaurant with a sword he had holstered on his waist.

Interpreter at Mandela memorial called a ‘fake’

he sign-language interpreter on stage at Nelson Mandela’s globally broadcast memorial service was a faker who was just waving his arms around meaninglessly, advocates for the deaf said Wednesday.

Looting baboons raid South African apartment

A group of determined baboons were recently caught burglarizing a South African apartment after prying open a window to get inside.

Time magazine names Pope Francis as Person of the Year

Time magazine selected Pope Francis as its Person of the Year on Wednesday, saying the Catholic Church’s new leader has changed the perception of the 2,000-year-old institution in an extraordinary way in a short time.

Suit: Marine’s body sent home to Pa. without heart

The parents of a Marine sergeant who died while stationed in Greece say that they discovered weeks after his funeral that his body had been sent home without a heart — and that the Department of Defense later gave them somebody else’s heart in its place.

$80 million awarded in sand suffocation death

A judge has awarded nearly $80 million to the family of a New Mexico woman who died in 2002 when a tractor-trailer struck her car and buried it in sand, suffocating the woman as teachers and students at a nearby school frantically tried to dig her out.

Texas woman pleads guilty to sending ricin to Obama

A Texas woman and former actress pleaded guilty Tuesday to sending ricin-laced letters to President Barack Obama and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, under a deal that her attorney has said would cap prison time at 18 years.

Students’ robotic arm can make you stronger

Need a hand lifting something? A robotic device invented by University of Pennsylvania engineering students can help its wearer carry an additional 40 pounds.