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Nation and World

US tourist’s wife: Detention a ‘dreadful misunderstanding’

The wife of an 85-year-old veteran being detained in North Korea implored authorities on Friday to let her husband return to his anxious family and end what she called a “dreadful misunderstanding.”

Documents: Mass. teacher’s throat slit, note left

The body of a popular Massachusetts teacher who police say was killed by one of her students was found in the woods, naked from the waist down and with her throat slit and a note that read, “I hate you all,” according to court documents released Friday.

Federal regulators say airline rules against cell calls ‘outdated’

Rules against making cellphone calls during airline flights are “outdated,” and it’s time to change them, federal regulators said Thursday, drawing immediate howls of protest from flight attendants, airline officials and others.

Dad arrested for breaking Tennessee school pick-up rules

A Tennessee father who was arrested last week while trying to pick his children up early from school says administrators cannot keep parents from getting their children before school is out.

Boeing jumbo jet lands at small Kansas airport rather than Air Force base

A Boeing 747 jumbo jet mistakenly landed at a small Kansas airport not far from the Air Force base where it was supposed to land to deliver parts for the company’s famed new 787 Dreamliner.

UK Police: 3 women ‘held as slaves’ for 30 years

Three women have been freed after spending 30 years held captive in a south London home, including one woman believed to have spent her entire life in domestic slavery, police announced Thursday.

Nutty conclusion? Not just a healthy snack, but a way to longer life

Help yourself to some nuts this holiday season: Regular nut eaters were less likely to die of cancer or heart disease — in fact, were less likely to die of any cause — during a 30-year Harvard study.

Too fat to fly: Stranded Frenchman going home

He’s been turned down by planes, trains and even a cruise ship in his quest to return home — and his family says it’s because of he has been deemed too fat to travel. Now Frenchman Kevin Chenais’ long and fitful journey is coming to an end.

Zappos responds to Kanye jab with potty humor

Las Vegas-based Zappos.com found itself in the crosshairs of Kanye West’s latest ridiculous rant, but the online retailer, keeping true to its core values, delivered WOW with a response to the future Mr. Kardashian.

Day of Kennedy tributes includes wreath ceremony, Medal of Freedom honors

Honoring the legacy of John F. Kennedy, President Barack Obama laid a wreath at the assassinated president’s gravesite and recognized a group of distinguished Americans with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, an award created by Kennedy.

Pennsylvania pastor expects to be defrocked for gay wedding

Frank Schaefer gets to call himself a Methodist pastor — at least for the next 30 days. The United Methodist clergyman convicted of breaking church law for officiating at his son’s same-sex wedding was suspended and ordered to adhere to the laws of the church’s Book of Discipline.

USPS releases Harry Potter stamps, angers collectors

The United States Postal Service released 20 Harry Potter-themed stamps Tuesday, hoping to inspire a new generation of stamp collectors and increase sales, but angering traditionalists in the process.

‘Just kidding’ no defense for online slurs, teens say

In a shift in attitude, most young people now say it’s wrong to use racist or sexist slurs online, even if you’re just kidding. But when they see them, they don’t take much personal offense.