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Police identify 2 suspects in London knife, van attack

British police named two of the three men who left a trail of bloodshed with a van and knife attack in central London and appealed for the public’s help Monday to learn more about their movements in the days leading up to the deadly rampage that killed seven people dead and dozens wounded.

Khuram Shazad Butt was a 27-year-old Pakistani-born Briton known to authorities, according to a statement issued by London police. Rachid Redouane, who had claimed to be Moroccan and Libyan, variously given his age as 30 or 25 and also used Elkhdar as a surname, was unknown until the night the two were shot dead along with a third attacker who has not been identified, police said.

Ten others who were arrested in the east London neighborhood of Barking where the two named suspects had lived remained in custody.

The attack launched by three men in the London Bridge area Saturday night is shaping the final days of an election campaign, focusing attention on Prime Minister Theresa May’s role in reducing the ranks of police officers.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said he supported those calling for May to resign because of her role reducing police staffing during her tenure as home secretary, though he said the best remedy was to vote her out.

“There’s an election on Thursday, that’s the chance,” he said, citing an “appalling” cut in police staffing levels.

“We’re calling for a restoration of police numbers, and there’s a call being made for her to go, because of what she’s done on the police numbers.”

May, under fire because of three major attacks in Britain in the last three months, said Corbyn wasn’t fit to safeguard Britain’s security at a time of heightened threat.

“We have given increased powers to the police to be able to deal with terrorists — powers which Jeremy Corbyn has boasted he has always opposed,” she said.

The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the brazen attack that started onLondon Bridge, then continued in the streets surrounding Borough Market.

Most of the London Underground stations reopened in the neighborhood where the attack took place, allowing normal life and commerce to resume after more than 24 hours of lockdown. Some residents cooped up inside all day Sunday emerged from their homes for the first time since the attacks.

“We were all stuck!” said Marcia Rainford, a 58-year-old who said she was sealed into her building complex with her mother and two children.

“We got blocked in. One whole day,” she said. Luckily she had a full fridge. “I always stock up!”

Dozens were injured, 18 of them critically, in the attack that started on the London Bridge, when three attackers swerved the vehicle into pedestrians then, armed with knives, rampaged through Borough Market, slashing and stabbing anyone they could find. The three men wore fake suicide vests — to make them even more imposing.

The sister of a missing 32-year-old man said Monday her brother is believed to have died in the attack. Melissa McMullan told Sky News that police said her brother James McMullan’s bank card had been found on one of the bodies.

“While our pain will never diminish, it is important for us all to carry on with our lives in direct opposition to those who wish to destroy us and remember that hatred is the refuge of small-minded individuals and will only breed more,” she said.

She said authorities are “unable to formally identify him until the coroner’s report begins tomorrow.” London police say they cannot confirm the names of people caught up in the attack.

It is not clear how having more police on the beat would have prevented the attack, since the men were shot dead within eight minutes, but the issue of police cuts has come back to haunt May, who served for six years at home secretary under her predecessor David Cameron before she became prime minister last year.

During that time, police numbers have dropped by roughly 20,000 officers, and the number of armed officers has fallen as well.

May said Monday that Britain’s counterterrorism operations are fully funded, but LondonMayor Sadiq Khan — a Labour figure — said cuts to police have been draconian.

“Over the last seven years, we as a city have lost 600 million pounds ($775 million) from our budget,” he said. “We have had to close police stations, sell police buildings and we’ve lost thousands of police staff.”

The country’s official terror threat level had been set at “critical” in the parlous days after the Manchester concert bombing on May 22 that killed 22 people — reflecting a judgment that an attack might be imminent because accomplices with similar bombs might be on the loose.

It was lowered once intelligence agencies were comfortable that this wasn’t the case. TheLondon attack, carried out by three knife-wielding men in a rented van, is apparently unconnected to the Manchester bombing.

May has said the three attacks — including one on Parliament in March — weren’t connected in any operational sense but were linked by what she called the “perverted ideology” of extremist Islam.

Khan and Police Commissioner Cressida Dick toured the site of the attack and praised the quick police work that they said prevented further deaths.

Dick said the attack was “ghastly,” but that Londoners are pulling together and refusing to be cowed by extremists.

She said providing more firearms for London police wouldn’t be a sensible solution to the increased tempo of attacks, saying the strategy of having special mobile units of heavily armed officers is effective.

Khan and Dick were briefly heckled by a man who called for more police to be put on the streets.

Trump bashes London mayor again on Twitter

President Donald Trump for a second day lashed out at London’s mayor on Twitter in the wake of a deadly terror attack in the city.

Trump tweeted Monday morning that London Mayor Sadiq Khan had offered a “pathetic excuse” and “had to think fast on his ‘no reason to be alarmed’ statement.”

Trump’s tweet renews his mischaracterization of Khan’s statement to London residents following a vehicle and knife attack that left seven people dead and dozens injured. The mayor had told London residents not to be concerned by a stepped-up police presence in the city after the incident.

In a Sunday tweet, Trump mischaracterized Khan’s remarks by suggesting the mayor had said there was “no reason to be alarmed” about the attack itself. Khan’s spokesman said he was too busy to respond to Trump’s “ill-informed” tweet.

Trump’s latest missive at Khan was part of several Monday morning tweets from the president. Trump also lashed out at his own Justice Department for seeking a “watered down” version of the travel ban he signed in March instead of a broader directive that was also blocked by the courts.

The war of words was the latest episode in a long simmering feud between Trump and Khan, a Muslim who was elected as London’s mayor in May 2016. After his election last year, Khan tweeted criticism of then-candidate Trump’s rhetoric, saying that his “ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe. It risks alienating mainstream Muslims.” Trump later challenged Khan to an IQ test during an interview on ITV.

Trump said he had spoken with British Prime Minister Theresa May to express America’s “unwavering support” and offer U.S. assistance as the British government works to protect its citizens and bring the guilty to justice.

‘Number’ of people detained

British counterterrorism investigators searched two homes in London on Monday and detained “a number” of people in the investigation into a van and knife attack in the heart of London that left seven people dead.

Dozens were injured, many of them critically, in the attack that started on the London Bridge, when three attackers swerved the vehicle into pedestrians then, armed with knives, rampaged through Borough Market, slashing and stabbing anyone they could find.

The three men, who wore fake suicide vests, were shot to death by police. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility.

London’s police chief has said the attackers have been identified, but the names haven’t been released. At least 12 people were arrested Sunday, including five men and seven women ranging in age from 19 to 60. One has since been released without being charged.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said she wouldn’t release further details in what she described as a fast-moving investigation. She wouldn’t say whether authorities were familiar with the men before the attack.

IS has claimed responsibility for three attacks in Britain since March, and Dick described the recent wave of violence as “unprecedented in my working life.”

Prime Minister May warned that the country faced a new threat from copycat attacks. She said Britain must do “more, much more” to combat what she called the perverted ideology of radical Islam.

She said police know the identity of the three attackers but will not release them yet because of the ongoing investigation. Police and intelligence services are trying to determine what backup support they might have had.

Suspended campaigns

The country’s major political parties temporarily suspended campaigning with only days to go before Thursday’s general election. May said the vote would take place as scheduled Thursday because “violence can never be allowed to disrupt the democratic process.”

The political tempo picked up again Monday with May saying opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is unfit to handle security and Brexit. Corbyn called for May to resign because of her role in cutting police staffing during her tenure as home secretary.

Most of the London Underground stations reopened Monday in the neighborhood where the attack took place, allowing life to resume after more than 24 hours of lockdown. Some residents cooped up inside all day Sunday emerged from their homes for the first time since the attacks.

Bitter protests erupt over draft of Jewish ultra-Orthodox men

Thousands of Jewish ultra-Orthodox men clashed with Israeli police in central Jerusalem on Sunday during a protest against an Israeli Supreme Court order for them to begin enlisting for military service.