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Near suicide, nursing executive found reason to live

Diagnosed at age 21 with temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ — she’d awaken with her jaw locked open — Debra Fox, the chief nursing officer at UMC, took a journey through hell as doctors tried to fix hinges that connected her jaw to the temporal bones of her skull.

How baby boomers can make money off their depreciating cars

Rob Khadivian has found a way to supplement his retirement income — by renting out his car. If you’re not too emotionally attached to your car and see it as a money-maker, he says it makes sense.

Logic didn’t figure into fired CCSD cop getting his job back

It wasn’t surprising when CCSD police Sgt. Anthony Russo lost his job in September 2015 after he was involved in a DUI collision that saw him punch out a survivor in the other car. That an arbitrator ruled he should get his job back was not only surprising, it was devoid of common sense.

Stakes and stress are high for Nevada students in testing

This week, I put myself in the shoes of roughly 150,000 students across the Clark County School District: I took part of the Smarter Balanced test. And it was an unnerving trip back to eighth grade.

Challenging childhood helped shape county commissioner

Clark County Commissioner Marilyn Kirkpatrick credits her experiences, contacts with caring people and challenging childhood for making her the strong person she is today.

A special day for everything, even gun safety

If you want someone to thank, or blame, for the mounting list of special days, look no further than Marlo Anderson.

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