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Inmate 1st to test positive for coronavirus at Clark County jail

An inmate at the Clark County Detention Center has tested positive for COVID-19, the Metropolitan Police Department announced Monday.

The 31-year-old inmate is being treated at University Medical Center. It’s the jail’s first case, Metro said in a statement.

“As of (Monday) morning, three additional inmates in that same unit have been moved to negative air pressure cells and have undergone testing for the virus,” the statement said. “All remaining inmates in that module have been quarantined and the entire area is being re-sanitized.”

The inmate has been at county jail since November and started showing symptoms Sunday, Metro said. All inmates at the jail will be required to wear masks whenever they leave their cells, according to the statement.

Contact Alexis Egeland at aegeland@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0335. Follow @alexis_egeland on Twitter.

Clark County manager gets a contract extension

Clark County Manager Kevin Schiller’s will continue to be the county’s top executive for at least three more years.