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National gun control advocates to attend Las Vegas event

National gun control advocates will visit the Las Vegas Valley on Saturday to cheer on canvassers pushing for passage of Question 1 in the home stretch before Election Day.

Former Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Arizona, co-founder of Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC, and Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, will meet with volunteers with Nevadans for Background Checks at a canvass kick-off event and luncheon.

Giffords became an icon of recent gun control efforts after she was badly wounded during a multiple-victim shooting in Tuscon, Arizona, in 2011.

Question 1 is a ballot initiative proposing to expand firearm background checks to private-party sales and transfers. Contact Nevadans for Background Checks for more information about the volunteer event.

Wesley Juhl/Las Vegas Review-Journal