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Nevada’s new gun background check law ends before it begins

A new law requiring background checks for private party gun sales in Nevada is unenforceable because it specifically prohibits the state from running those checks through its databases, the attorney general’s office said in an opinion issued Wednesday.

Las Vegas City Council to take aim at regulating party houses

Short-term rentals that become “party houses” in neighborhoods near the Strip have been an issue on Las Vegas City Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian’s to-do list for years.

Nevada changes inmate programs for post-prison success

Nevada prisons are going to start planning for their inmates’ successful release back into society on the first day they get into prison, rather than waiting for the end of their sentences.

Trump names Bush administration veteran Bossert to homeland security post

President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he has appointed Thomas P. Bossert, a veteran of the George W. Bush administration, as assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism.

Trump sends strong message with pick for ambassador to Israel

If President-elect Donald Trump wanted to show he planned to obliterate President Barack Obama’s approach to Israel, he might have found his man to deliver that message in David Friedman, his pick for U.S. ambassador.

Obama confident he would have won 2016 election if eligible

In an alternate universe in which President Barack Obama ran for a third term against Donald Trump, who would have won? No surprise: The president and the president-elect disagree.

Rising tide of women lawmakers makes Nevada a national leader

Women will make up 40 percent of the Legislature in 2017, tying Nevada with Colorado and Vermont as the states with the highest percentage of women legislators. That will benefit all Nevadans, they say.

Reid was Nevada’s go-to lawmaker for gaming, tourism and transportation

Sen. Harry Reid, who is retiring after a three-decade political career that saw him rise higher than any Nevada politician before him, has always been the go-to lawmaker on all things related to gaming, tourism and transportation.

Trump says he will dissolve foundation amid investigation

President-elect Donald Trump said Saturday he will dissolve his charitable foundation amid efforts to eliminate any conflicts of interest before he takes office next month.