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Lawmakers face deadline

CARSON CITY — With today’s deadline looming, Nevada lawmakers continued voting on bills that would otherwise die because of an end-of-the-week deadline for action on the measures.

Lawmakers debate green measures

CARSON CITY — Nevada lawmakers, facing a June 1 adjournment, rushed Thursday to complete work on “green energy” legislation which has become one of the major initiatives of the 2009 session.

Legislators strike deal on employee benefits

CARSON CITY — Republican and Democratic negotiators have reached a tentative agreement on reforms to the financially strapped Public Employees Retirement System, according to Assembly Majority Leader John Oceguera.

Governor rejects four bills

CARSON CITY — As promised, Gov. Jim Gibbons on Thursday vetoed a measure that would authorize the Washoe County Commission to enact a voter-approved gasoline tax increase to raise money to finance transportation projects.

Changes crafted

Assembly leaders began crafting a proposal Wednesday to soften the financial blow that Clark County’s operating funds would sustain in a $120 million grab approved earlier this week.

Horsford plan would create panel to revamp tax structure

CARSON CITY — Even as legislators scrambled to put together the money to fund state government for the next two years, Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford was looking ahead Wednesday, introducing a proposal to lay the groundwork for long-term changes to the state’s tax structure.

Public schools bill OK’d

CARSON CITY — In a bipartisan vote, the Assembly agreed 42-0 Wednesday night to appropriate $2.477 billion in state tax revenue for the support of public school education.

Tax plan reaction mixed

Is the state Legislature’s tax proposal an assault on the working class or a reasonable compromise that meets several important goals?

Judicial resolution makes ballot

CARSON CITY — Under a resolution approved 28-13 Wednesday in the Assembly, voters will decide in the November 2010 election whether to amend the Nevada Constitution to allow governors to pick Supreme Court justices and district judges.

Houses approve change to rules

CARSON CITY — After being sidetracked most of the day by conflicts of interest that jeopardized crucial Republican votes, the state Senate approved a change to the rules to allow all members to vote on the budget and tax package late Wednesday.

Lawmakers advance bills as deadline looms

CARSON CITY — With less than two weeks left in the 2009 legislative session, state lawmakers voted Tuesday for bills dealing with foreclosures, energy conservation, medical ethics and elections.

Civil union bill called vital for state

CARSON CITY — Harrah’s Entertainment is warning legislators that Nevada’s tourism industry could lose the business of gays and lesbians if they fail to override Gov. Jim Gibbons’ expected veto of a bill to allow couples to enter into domestic partnerships.

Bill would shift tax data from newspapers to Web

CARSON CITY — The state Senate voted Monday to give final legislative approval to a bill to let officials around Nevada publish an annual list of property taxpayers and their property values on an Internet Web site rather than in newspapers.