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State faces largest budget deficit in U.S.

CARSON CITY– Nevada faces the largest budget deficit in the country for the upcoming fiscal year, according to a recent survey of states by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal Washington, D.C., think tank.

Legislators make case for lottery resolution

CARSON CITY — A proposed constitutional amendment to legalize a Nevada state lottery cleared a hurdle Wednesday when the Assembly backed the plan on a 31-11 vote.

Legislators seek to set pay of nuclear agency workers

CARSON CITY — A Nevada Senate bill would change the salary structure in the state Agency for Nuclear Projects, which has led the fight against federal plans for a radioactive waste dump at Yucca Mountain, so that staffers’ pay would be set by lawmakers.

$2.9 million approved for flood control

RENO — Washoe County commissioners have approved giving the Nature Conservancy $2.9 million in state grants for flood control efforts on the Truckee River at the site of the old Mustang Ranch brothel.

Titus criticizes Gibbons, urges legislators to take stimulus funds

CARSON CITY — Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., a longtime state legislative leader before winning her U.S. House seat last year, said Wednesday that state lawmakers should take all the federal stimulus funds they can get to ensure that essential services aren’t wiped out.

School funding accepted

CARSON CITY — Nevada lawmakers voted Wednesday to accept $35 million in federal stimulus funds for K-12 schools that have a high percentage of students from low-income families.

Seat belt debate gets emotional

CARSON CITY — Nevada lawmakers and witnesses gave emotional testimony Tuesday on a bill that would allow police to stop any driver they believe isn’t wearing a seat belt.

Same-sex bill in cross hairs

CARSON CITY — Gov. Jim Gibbons said Tuesday that he will veto the domestic partnership bill giving same-sex couples the same legal rights as married couples if it passes both houses of the Legislature.

Horsford says offender plan offers savings

CARSON CITY — The Nevada Senate’s top Democrat told lawmakers Monday that a new program for low-risk parole violators and drug and alcohol offenders would reduce the state’s prison population and save millions of dollars in taxpayer money.

Raggio urges examination of state taxes

CARSON CITY — Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio on Monday pitched the need for a state-financed tax study, noting that one hasn’t been performed in 20 years.

Krolicki lawyers want Masto pulled

Nevada’s lieutenant governor asked a judge on Monday to disqualify the state attorney general, who’s prosecuting him on charges of mishandling a big college savings program, and to dismiss the charges.

Novelty lighters spark bill to ban sale

CARSON CITY — The sale of novelty lighters would be outlawed in Nevada under a bill approved 28-12 Monday in the state Assembly.