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Senate leaders announce agreement on 2-year budget pact

Senate leaders announced Wednesday they have sealed agreement on a two-year budget pact that would shower the Pentagon and domestic programs with almost $300 billion above existing limits, giving wins to both GOP defense hawks and Democrats seeking billions for infrastructure projects and combatting opioid abuse.

Trump requests Pentagon to throw a military parade

President Donald Trump has asked the Pentagon to plan a grand parade of the U.S. armed forces in Washington this year to celebrate military strength, officials said Tuesday.

Nevada brothel owner files 1st Amendment suit

“Instead of carving penises into rocks and public roads,” Hof created a yellow and black, diamond-shaped “Lovers at Play” street sign directing traffic toward his Nye County brothels so customers would not get lost on their pursuit of satisfying lust, the complaint states.

EPA chief says he is disarming agency ‘weaponized’ by Obama

EPA chief Scott Pruitt said the Trump administration is “righting the wrongs” of President Barack Obama by reversing regulations designed to “weaponize” the agency and punish the fossil fuel industry.

Administration considers moving offices for public lands west

From its headquarters in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Bureau of Land Management oversees some of the nation’s most prized natural resources: vast expanses of public lands rich in oil, gas, coal, grazing for livestock, habitat for wildlife, hunting ranges, fishing streams and hiking trails.

White House reviewing Democrats’ memo on Russia investigation

A memo written by Democrats on the House intelligence committee as part of its investigation of Russian election interference was under review Tuesday at the White House, where President Donald Trump will decide whether to allow the public to read it.

Obscure federal rule erased apostrophes from place names

Something is clearly missing at such natural wonders as Angels Landing, Devils Hole and Dantes View, but unless you’re a grammar teacher or a copy editor you probably never noticed.