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Judges rule North Carolina congressional map must be redone

Federal judges ruled Tuesday that North Carolina’s congressional district map drawn by legislative Republicans is illegally gerrymandered because of excessive partisanship that gave the GOP a rock-solid advantage for most seats and must quickly be redone.

Judge blocks Trump decision to end DACA program

A federal judge on Tuesday night temporarily blocked the Trump administration’s decision to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation.

Nevada lawmakers urge Congress to change federal marijuana laws

Nevada lawmakers said Tuesday that Congress must address federal marijuana laws following a decision by the Trump administration to lower the barrier on federal prosecutions in states that have decriminalized use for medical and recreational purposes.

Trump opens curtain on negotiations over spending bill, immigration

President Donald Trump opened up the curtain of Washington negotiations as he invited the press to stay for nearly an hour and broadcast a Cabinet Room meeting with Democratic and Republican lawmakers Wednesday.

Democratic mega-donor pledges $3oM to boost youth vote

Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer, who is frequently seen on TV ads advocating for the impeachment of President Donald Trump, announced Monday that he would donate $30 million to boost the youth vote in an effort to flip the House for Democrats.