If you’re a principal of a failing school, Superintendent Jesus Jara could be coming for your job. It’s about time.
Pursing the same policies and goals that enabled the Stoneman Douglas shooter doesn’t keep Clark County School District students safe.
The biggest takeaway of the new school star rankings is how much work needs to be done in the Clark County School District.
School choice breathes opportunity into communities where the public school option fails by injecting competition and challenging the status quo.
Successful organizations replicate effective projects. New York City public schools don’t fit that description. Go figure it’s considering shutting down one of its top programs.
Congratulations to new Clark County School District superintendent John Vellardita. It’s obvious his power has surpassed that of Jesus Jara, superintendent in title only.
The Clark County School District wants to replace the current Professional Growth System. That’s according to Jason Goudie, the district’s chief financial officer.
A strike hasn’t happened yet, but politicians are already trying to shift responsibility for what has gone wrong. That’s not a good sign.
The leaders of the Clark County School District should be elated, not worried, about the possibility of a teacher strike.
The Clark County School District and Superintendent Jesus Jara should be ready to use all the tools at their disposal to prevent a strike.
What happened to Bonnie Ybarra’s daughters at Hal Smith Elementary School is a parent’s worst nightmare.
When compared to Medicare for All, the public option sounds like a moderate alternative. Don’t be fooled. It’s just a slower way to get to single-payer health care.
For the past several months, the Clark County Education Association has behaved like a spoiled child. Mr. Jara and district officials have the ability to control this tantrum but haven’t yet done so.
Teacher unions claim to oppose school choice, because it sends public dollars to private schools. Turns out, they don’t want public dollars going to non-unionized public schools either.
The Clark County School District administrators union thinks Superintendent Jesus Jara has broken the law — again.