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Fighting back becoming part of school shooting guidance

At a growing number of schools around the country, students attacking gunmen reflect guidance to students, at least in some situations, to do what they can to disrupt shootings.

Attacks on health workers hamper Ebola control, says WHO

The World Health Organization warned Friday that it may not be possible to contain Ebola to two affected provinces in eastern Congo if attacks on health teams continue.

Chobani to pay school lunch debt in Rhode Island

Yogurt company Chobani says it will pay the school lunch debt of low-income families with students attending a Rhode Island school district.

Foreign policy challenges offer Trump deals to be made

President Donald Trump’s foreign policy challenges are mounting around the world, showing the limits of his self-touted ability to make a deal.

A growing number of states call porn a public health crisis

More than a dozen states have moved to declare pornography a public health crisis, raising concerns among some experts who say the label goes too far and carries its own risks.

Secret Russian agent saw US political analysis as ‘valuable’

A secret agent for the Kremlin who tried to infiltrate U.S. political groups while Donald Trump rose to power says she believed her notes and analysis would be valuable to Russia.

Russia fingerprints on North Korea’s new missile, experts say

New missiles North Korean has tested in the past week are familiar to military experts: They look like a controversial and widely copied missile the Russian military has deployed to Syria.

US-China trade talks break up after US raises tariffs

Trade talks between the U.S. and China broke up Friday with no agreement, hours after President Donald Trump more than doubled tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports.

Iran commander says Tehran leaders won’t be calling Trump

A commander in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard says that Tehran will not talk with the United States — a day after President Donald Trump said he’d like Iranian leaders to “call me.”

Ex-Trump aides in Las Vegas say Biden most formidable 2020 foe

Two of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign members said Thursday that former Vice President Joe Biden would present the toughest 2020 challenge for the president, though they disagreed on whether Biden can first win his party’s nomination.