Going out of business sale.
Southern Nevadans who make the trek along Interstate 15 to the Los Angeles area may have noticed that a quick lunch stop in Baker or Barstow can now run close to $20.
California’s costly, delayed experience isn’t encouraging.
Don’t expect law-breaking protesters to be punished.
Do we want both Albertsons and Kroger to go out of business?
America’s education institutions have spent years sowing critical race theory. They’re reaping a harvest of pampered students spewing antisemitism.
There’s no hope for the future of the country or my grandchildren unless there’s a massive Republican wave in the fall.
Performative protest feels good for those drunk on their own, unearned sense of importance.
Yet it may not be all that unfortunate that much of higher education is going the way of malls, movie theaters and CDs.
Politicians would act a lot differently if they had to personally pay for their wrongdoings. Consider Clark County Commissioner Justin Jones.
The national debt is more than $34 trillion, or over $100,000 for every man, woman and child in America.
Woke administrators vs. spoiled students.
If demonstrators don’t go to class, fail them.
I personally can’t wait to give up the soporific scenery, racetrack-like mentality and beautiful Baker bathroom stops of the Interstate 15 car commute in favor of a sleek, smooth train.