Another part of Vegas history goes down.
If our court system had done its job, both Aldo Hernandez Calderon and his victim would have been alive today.
James Carville once famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Something similar sums up why successful California business leaders keep coming to Nevada. It’s the business climate, stupid.
The American College of Sports Medicine released an “expert consensus statement” that said “Biological sex is a determinant of athletic performance.”
Let’s stop the lame excuses and do it.
Now California will be voting to raise the minimum wage to $18 for most employees. And once again, the people in favor of this don’t think it’ll have any negative affect.
The excellent Sept. 21 commentary on the misleading Yes on Question 3 commercials is being swamped by the volume of these commercials. Is legal action possible?
Democrats can cry foul, but they brought it on themselves.
Hezbollah has never been subtle or ambiguous: It wants Israel gone and the Jews living there dead or exiled.
The Nobel Prize in Economics to those who understand the answer.
An act of courage can both change the world and expose cowards. Just look at the different reactions to what the University of Nevada, Reno’s volleyball team did.
Vice President Kamala Harris’ interview Wednesday with Bret Baier of Fox News showed that her best rhetorical haymaker remains “Let me finish.”