Parents would save a bit of money under Question 5.
City of Henderson Question Number 1 would impose a property tax increase of $.06 per $100 of assessed valuation.
The library board wants a property tax hike of $.02 per $100 of assessed valuation.
The issue neither candidate wants to talk about, let alone fix: the national debt, which is more than $35 trillion today and growing every year.
Imagine if there were ranked-choice voting.
Oh what a tangled web we weave.
Those born men shouldn’t be allowed to compete with women.
Most people probably can’t name who represents them in the Assembly. But these low-profile races are highly important for Nevada’s future.
Most people probably can’t name who represents them in the Assembly. But these low-profile races are highly important for Nevada’s future.
Most people probably can’t name who represents them in the Assembly. But these low-profile races are highly important for Nevada’s future.
Most people probably can’t name who represents them in the Assembly. But these low-profile races are highly important for Nevada’s future.
Most people probably can’t name who represents them in the Assembly. But these low-profile races are highly important for Nevada’s future.
Most people probably can’t name who represents them in the Assembly. But these low-profile races are highly important for Nevada’s future.
Anyone who thinks the Clark County School District’s fundamental problem is a lack of funding needs to look at Chicago.
Trump’s departure from presidential politics would presage the end of the Republican identity crisis, not the beginning.