Instead of letting these audit reports collect dust, district leaders need to earn their pay and ensure school leaders have fixed the issues identified.
Concerns extend beyond the financial wisdom of film production tax credits.
The Democrats claim Donald Trump is a “threat to our democracy.” Let’s take a look at the Democratic Party.
Think of the women who trained for this moment and waited four years for a chance at a medal …
Sorry, but within the constraints of a county budget and the need to protect the firefighters and other responders from harm, this task was never going to be completed quickly.
Frightened economists fear for the future because there’s no sign that the rapid growth in deficit spending will stop.
But she is a poor substitute for the successful bait-and-switch 2020 con of “ol’ Joe Biden,” the fake moderate “uniter” from Scranton.
The book “1984” is supposed to be a warning. Today’s leftists are using it as an instruction manual.
Las Vegas teens are out of control and should be accountable for their crimes. The district attorney should resign.
“The data,” The Wall Street Journal reported, “adds to evidence that a labor market whose strength was already fading could actually be on its way to weakness.”
Quit blowing billions on trains. The politicians should put public safety (and their economy) first and spend money on the roads.
Lone gunman? My eye! … There is an incredible list of anomalies, mistakes, cover ups and fictional explanations meant to support the Warren Commission’s unbelievable findings.
She has repeatedly denied a mass migration crisis was underway at the Southern border while refusing to visit the border.
Las Vegas hotels and entertainment have forgotten the locals. Even Stations has dropped the “locals” out of its advertising.
Free money makes people less likely to work. If common sense doesn’t convince you of that, a new study should.