Mr. Biden picked himself up off the curb on Monday long enough to unveil a plan to end lifetime tenure for justices and to allow Congress to become involved in enforcing a code of ethics for those on the court.
Attorney General Aaron Ford is supposed to be Nevada’s top law enforcement officer. Yet, his office is making a mockery of Nevada’s public records law.
The evil of two lessers.
It would be awesome and inspiring to all our citizens to have a talented female “Dream Team” guide the Democratic Party to victory.
Trump’s trade policies and proposed new tariffs are poor. They will harm the economy. They will not make America great again. A second term for Trump will be a mistake.
For the good of the country, Mr. Biden stepped aside. I pray history will show he pulled off the greatest “rope-a-dope” since Muhammad Ali’s 1974 defeat of George Foreman.
I would urge the FBI’s Public Corruption Division to take a hard look at such lack of oversight and supervision by this publicly elected body.
It made sense that the anti-American left gravitated to a conspiratorial view of the JFK assassination.
“I don’t know if you’ve ever been to hell before,” Las Vegas motorist Kevin Speakman told the Review-Journal, “but that’s how I would describe it.”
I sometimes wonder if Democrats are living in the same country as I am. I don’t know how they are not concerned with the high cost of food, gasoline, mortgages, rent and retail items.
Having grown up on a farm in the Midwest, the letter from Alfred Dushman questioning the “need” for a gun that can shoot greater than 100 yards left me scratching my head.
Then we’ll see whether Kamala Harris is up to the job.
Good news. Las Vegas is surrounded by empty land that could be developed except for one thing: The federal government “owns” most of it.